Monday 9 January 2017

Get Best Mortgage Advice for Your First Home

There are few things to keep in mind and pay attention to while buying a new home for your family. If you are buying the home for the first time, you need to be aware of first home buyer grant. This grant is not loan and you don't have to worry about paying it later. It also doesn't add to your interest or debt. This is one of the best benefits that fist home buyer get.

In Australia the scheme was introduced on 1st July, 2000. In this program the first home buyer can receive the grant of $7,000 as once off payment. However, different states have different legal process for the program.

In October of 2008, the government added few details in the program to give boot to the housing industry. In that it offered $14,000 to the first home purchaser and also to the first home builder. The best way is to take mortgage advice from the professionals.

In the end of 2009, Government revised the plan offering grant of $7,000 to the first time buyer and $3,500 to the buyers of established properties. These were the initial details on the first home buyer grant program.

There were also some changes made in later years. For more information on the subject please visit:

Sunday 1 January 2017

Hire the Right Mortgage Broker!

A first-time home buyer grant is a grant specifically for those who are buying their first house. Like other grants, the first-time buyer does not hold a compulsion to repay the grant. It is different from a loan and does not incur any type of debt or interest. Grants can be given out by foundations and governments. You will find few mortgage brokers that can help you understand about first home buyer grant scheme briefly and provide you with useful guidance and advice.

The mortgage advice by the broker act very beneficial in the long run. Broker can provide you with the best possible and right advice, however it is essential to seek the advice from the right mortgage broker. It is advisable that you hire a broker who is highly experienced and proficient in his work. He should be able to provide efficient service that suits with your specific need and requirement. To find the right mortgage broker seek the help of the internet. If you aren't able to find any then you can use yellow pages to find one or ask your friends or relatives if they know any.

For more information and details log on to: